The AQUABOX 1.0 (AC) vending machine is a standalone water purification and water dispensing system. The machine fills from 1 to 19 liters bottles with ambient water.
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The AQUABOX 1.0 (AC) vending machine is a standalone water purification and water dispensing system. The machine fills from 1 to 19 liters bottles with ambient water.
This model provides the following payment
methods: coin acceptor*, bill acceptor*, Pay Pass*, and QR reader.
The telemetry unit is the key component. It is equipped multifunction controller with GSM/GPSR module. It provides control of the reverse osmosis system operation, blocking the operation in emergency situations, display of warning and emergency messages, sending notifications of emergency situations by SMS.
Key features:
Purification technology:
Vending device management system
VDMS — means full online control of your system feature. It helps you to track:
*available firmware: €, $; zł
Technical specifications
Feed water requirements*
* The rest of the parameters must comply with local drinking water regulations
** the requirements are relevant for machines equipped with a RO membrane
Utility requirements:
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